Executive Speed Dial

It’s lonely at the top, and it’s frustrating in the middle. If you’re in either spot, place us on “Executive Speed Dial” to reach an experienced entrepreneur on the line.

At the Top. If you’re at the top, you are required to be an expert in a number of fields. You may have some doubts about information you’re receiving, or wondering why you aren’t receiving the right information. The numbers don’t seem to add up. Your team may tell you what you want to hear, or just remain silent when you need a brainstorming partner. Or, maybe it’s just taking too long to get items off your plate. It’s time you use your “Executive Speed Dial.” We assist executives with all kinds of matters:

  • Developing a new service line
  • Transitioning family business
  • Making a graceful exit from a business division
  • Deciding which ideas merit further research
  • Researching competitors and solutions
  • Redefining individual roles
  • Establishing measurements (KPIs)
  • Communicating strategy
  • Developing messaging
  • Following up on tactical assignments

In the Middle. When you’re in the middle (or the upper tier) of an organization, you are pulled in many directions. You receive conflicting messages from higher-ups, finding it difficult to communicate with your team. Your team has some good ideas, but you don’t have the time, resources or support to further develop the idea or implement it. You’re so focused on the hot buttons of today, that tomorrow’s items are always in the future. If this sounds familiar, it’s time you use your “Executive Speed Dial.” We assist managers and directors get to the next level:

  • Focusing on the numbers without sacrificing the people
  • Managing the day-to-day function, while accomplishing today’s pet project
  • Communicating more effectively with owners and shareholders
  • Addressing performance matters with staff
  • Writing effective evaluations
  • Finding time/resources to develop staff

Let us earn a spot on your “Executive Speed Dial.”