Jobs to Retire

43 Answers to One Typical Interview Question

Job boards, eBooks, and books in print are filled with sample interview questions and answers. And every once in a blue moon when the mood strikes, I read sample interview questions and make up silly, snarky or sassy answers. What, you mean you never do this? Well, it must be another one of those nerdy things I do. Today, however, I am going to give…

Employment Agreement Gone Awry

The set up. Chip recently took a job with a company that presented him with a bound employee handbook, some other corporate paperwork and a non-compete agreement. Not uncommon. However, for most of his career, Chip has been a residential HVAC technician (heating and air conditioning). In recent years, Chip has been a successful residential sales person. His success is not due to a pushy,…

Safe Conversation Anyone?

We’ve been warned about the dangers of discussing politics and religion, and yet does anyone head that warning anymore? Well, Human Resources still would like for us to keep controversial topics out of the workplace. Fair enough. However, we used to advise people to stick to topics like the weather. But wait, now with the climate change movement, the weather has become controversial. So in…

Phones–Voice Mail Anyone?

While some companies and many people are doing their best to eliminate or ignore inbound calls, voice mail still plays an important role in the job search process. And although most of us have gotten proficient with using phone apps and sending and receiving texts, many people overlook the importance of good messages. First, some basic tips for leaving a voice message to improve the…